Hospital-Healthcare and clinic Management system

Hospital management system to manage day to day activities of hospital and clinic which can be helpful for any Hospital and medical facilities. This solution helps to manage Patient details,Doctors details, Patient Appointment, Prescription, Patient Hospitalization, Lab Test request and result, medicament , new born details etc..

No matter the size of your hospital, we've got you covered: There is always a wide choice of features that can be included in the system. Moreover, the most important thing is our HMS was developed to streamline various procedures that meet the needs of all the users. Our HMS feature list is concentrated on providing the smooth experience of patients, staff and hospital authorities. We deploy features based on your hospital/clinic need and demand. Our aim is to improve the efficiency of medical services and satisfaction of patients in your hospital.


OUR Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) has been developed with the objective of streamlining the treatment flow of a patient in the hospital, while allowing doctors and other staff to perform to their peak ability, in an optimized and efficient manner.
Patient Management

Patient Registration

Patient Basic Details

Patient Registration card, Barcode print

Registration Notifications

Birthday greetings

Patient Photo Capture

Medical Alerts of Diseases



Patine Portal Access

Doctors Management

Basic information

Doctors Specialties

Doctors' Degrees

Doctors' Schedules

Referring Doctors

Doctor's Dashboards

Appointment Management

Treatment Management

Treatment Based Automated medical history

Appointment Management

Patient Waiting & Consultation Time Tracking

Automation to find it's Consultation or Followup

Online Appointment Booking

Patient Queue Management and next patient screen

Hospitalization Management

Wards Management

Bed Management  

Wards Management  

Hospitalization Checklists


Operation Theater

Pre Operation Checklists

Post Operation Checklists

Diet Plan

Admission Discharge & Transfer

Discharge Invoice Creation & Summary Reports

Laboratory & Diagnostics Management System

Lab Requests  

Lab Tests

Lab Test Invoicing  

Lab Request Report  

Lab Test Result Report

Lab Test Result Imaging

Patient Billing

OPD Billing

IPD Billing

Track Discounts, Refunds, Collection

Insurance claim management

Package Billing

Management Dashboard

Receptionist Dashboard

Doctor Dashboard

Nurse Dashboard

Administrator Dashboard

Stock Management System

Purchase and Inventory Management

Purchase Orders

Stock Moves

Stock in multiple locations

Hospital Finance Management

Doctors Accounting (Payouts)

Staff Payroll

Referring Doctor commissions

Pharmacy Management

Prescription Based Direct Sale

Medicine Barcode Generation

Batch Wise Pricing

Medicine Expiry  

Medicine Manufacture

Medicine Lot Locking

Stock Move on Invoicing

Blood Bank Management

Blood Bag Management

Blood Requisition (Donation)  

Blood Issuance  

Blood Storage  

Patient Blood Donation

Extra Features

HMS Report Header

HMS Letter pad Header

Mail Notifications

Medical Representative Management

Patient/Hospital Document Management

Patient Waiting Screens  

Patient Certification  

Facility Management

Extra Features

HMS Report Header

HMS Letter pad Header

Mail Notifications

Medical Representative Management

Patient/Hospital Document Management

Patient Waiting Screens  

Patient Certification  

Facility Management

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